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Taste and See that the Lord is Good!

As I spend time in the Psalms this summer, the Lord blesses me daily! Today, I was in Psalm 34 where David sang a song of praise after escaping from Achish, the king of Gath (1 Samuel 21:10-15). David says he will “bless the Lord at all times” (34:1). A powerful statement from one who was being hunted down by a mad man (1 Samuel 19-20). David tells us regarding his narrow escape that his boast is in the Lord. Then David invites us as partakers in his psalm to magnify the Lord with him! How do we respond to David’s Spirit inspired invitation?

David goes on to tell us how trusting in the Lord has worked for himself. He says, “I sought the Lord and He answered me” (Psalm 34:4). Then David describes godly people like you and me looking to the Lord with “radiant faces,” crying out to the Lord­ and being saved (Psalm 34:5-7). This is how we express our faith in seen and unseen victories that God brings about. Exalting in His goodness is our joy and our call as His people.

The psalmist goes on to issue another invitation, even an exhortation, to those of us who are following along in his victory song. We read in 34:8, “O taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed in the man who takes refuge in Him!” This verse reminds me of Hebrews 6:4-5, where the author refers to those who have “tasted” of the heavenly gift, who have “tasted the good word of God and of the powers of the age to come.” And in 1 Peter 2:3, Peter writes, “…if you have tasted the kindness of the Lord (italics mine). We are called to engage in experiencing God’s greatness.

“O taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed in the man who takes refuge in Him!"

Christ also used our taste to help us remember and revel in our redemption through the taking of bread and wine at the communion table (Luke 22:19-20). Christ calls us to taste and see that He is good, and that He is coming back again. This emphasis on using our God given body and senses (i.e., taste) to participate with God’s goodness is so beautiful. When God created us, spirit, soul, and body, He declared that His creation was “good!” He uses all He made us to be, so we can engage with all that He is.

When David invites us, even challenges us to participate in the trustworthiness of our great God, we can celebrate spirit, soul, and body! Join in with David using your voice to “bless the Lord at all times” (34:1a). Let His praise continually be in your mouth (Psalm 34:1b). The Lord hears our praises and, in His way, and timing, He delivers us. As the psalmist writes, “Let us exalt His name together” (34:3b)! Even when we, like David, are on the run, enduring tough stuff, let us take up the psalmist’s challenge to “bless the Lord at all times.”

Learn and practice Bible study skills as you spend time in the Psalms!

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